Industry body welcomes MSPs’ probe

Tavish Scott Salmon Scotland

Salmon Scotland CEO Tavish Scott has welcomed the decision of the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs and Islands (RAI) Committee to follow up on its earlier review of the industry.

The committee’s predecessor body, the Rural Economy & Connectivity Committee RECC) held an inquiry into Scotland’s salmon sector – which represents the country’s most valuable food export – back in 2018.

This week, the RAI committee announced it would be looking to see whether the RECC’s 65 recommendations, aimed at addressing economic, social and environmental issues related to the salmon farming industry in Scotland, have been implemented.

Tavish Scott, chief executive of Salmon Scotland, said:“As one of the biggest employers in rural Scotland, generating nearly £800m for the economy and raising the UK’s largest food export, it’s absolutely right for the committee to continue its ongoing work programme to look at our nation’s vital salmon sector.

“We look forward to supporting the committee’s work and highlighting the innovation and investment in making our low carbon sector even more sustainable.

“We are particularly excited about taking committee members to a salmon farm – for many of them for the first time – so they can see for themselves the reality of salmon farming in 2024, and most importantly, listen to the hard-working farmers who take care of their fish and deliver the highest animal welfare standards anywhere in the world.”




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