Mowi Scotland recovery gathers pace

Mowi Scotland is bouncing back from the troubles which have hit financial performance recently. Results for the first quarter of this year, published today, show the Scotland division produced an operational EBIT or operational profit of €31.1m (£26.8m) up from €26.6m (£23m) 12 months earlier.

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Flesh eating cod bug found off Norway

A new parasite which turns fish flesh into a slimy jelly has been found in cod off the Norwegian coast.

So far it does not appear to have affected the country’s cod farmers but the Institute of Marine Research and the industry are keeping a watch on the situation.

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Salmon farmers and government join forces to combat fish disease

aerial view of salmon farm

In an initiative inspired by the fight against Covid-19, salmon producers and the Chilean government have joined forces to tackle the problem of bacterial infection in farmed fish. The project, which has been named “Yelcho”, involves eleven leading Chilean salmon farming companies, the Salmon Council, SalmonChile’s Salmon Technological Institute (Intesal) and is supported by Aquabench,…

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Funding secured for cleaner fish vaccination project

Research into the optimal formulation and delivery of vaccines to safeguard ballan wrasse from bacterial disease has been given a funding boost following a successful first phase. Researchers hope the project could lead to greater use of the cleaner fish to control sea lice on salmon farms. A consortium of UK academics and aquaculture partners…

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Grant helps novel sea lice vaccine research to next step

A small sea louse from a salmon river

Hopes for an effective vaccine against sea lice have been boosted with the news of a grant that is helping research into a further stage. Partners from the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture, AQUATRECK Animal Health SL and Moredun Scientific have been awarded almost £50,000 from the Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), after the…

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