Proximar on track despite February tank incident

Proximar Seafood has reported that biomass at its new land based salmon farm in Japan has more than doubled during the first three months of 2024. At the end of March  the Norwegian salmon company had a standing biomass of 111.9  metric tonnes at the farm, located at Oyama near Japan’s Mount Fuji, compared with…

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Indian shrimp farmers accused of major human rights violations

Indian workres at workbenches

India’s extensive shrimp farming industry has been accused, in a new report, of large scale human rights abuses and unacceptable employment practices. The report has been published by the international human and labour rights organisation, Corporate Accountability Lab (CAL). It has carried out a three year long  investigation into India’s multi-billion dollar shrimp aquaculture industry…

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Study shows how nitrates in RAS systems affect fish health

Turbot, scophthalmus maximus, Adult swimming

Exposure to nitrates can adversely affect the intestinal health of fish in RAS systems, a study by researchers in China has found. While it is well known that nitrates have a toxic effect, the study provides a detailed analysis of how nitrate (NO3) levels can have an impact at molecular level. A team of scientists…

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