Salmon sector worth £760m to Scotland, study finds

The salmon industry contributed £760m to Scotland’s economy in 2021, according to the latest economic report from trade body Salmon Scotland. The figures from Salmon Scotland show a direct economic contribution of £303m in Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2021, up nearly a fifth on pre-pandemic levels of £254m in 2019. The study calculates that…

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Wild salmon, trout catch in Scotland hits new low

Rod catch figures for salmon and sea trout in Scotland last year were the lowest since records began in 1952, figures from the Scottish Government show. Salmon and trout fishery statistics for the 2021 season show that 35,693 catches were reported for salmon and 12,636 trout. The spring catch for salmon was 66% of the…

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Action plan to save Scotland’s wild salmon

An ambitious strategy which aims to bring Scotland’s wild salmon population back from crisis point has been launched by Holyrood. Numbers have declined worryingly since the 1970s, with climate change thought to be one of the main causes. Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said: “The Atlantic (wild) salmon is one of the most magnificent animals…

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Scotland resumes salmon exports to Saudi Arabia

Producers are optimistic that the first shipment of Scottish salmon to Saudi Arabia in 18 months could point the way to new market opportunities. A shipment of Mowi Scotland salmon arrived in Dammam on Saturday 21 November, effectively re-opening the Saudi Arabian market after a lengthy hiatus due to the changes in Saudi seafood regulations…

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Salmon farmer plans first ocean farm for Scotland

A NORWEGIAN style ocean farm capable of holding 1.25 million fish could be sited off the coast of Scotland if one of the country’s leading farmers receives approval for its plans. Scottish Sea Farms is looking to trial Scotland’s first open ocean farm if it gets the go ahead from regulators, the company announced today.…

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High temperatures hits salmon prices in Scotland and Norway

SALMON prices in both Norway and Scotland have fallen to levels not seen for at least two years with the exceptionally high temperatures which have swept across Europe and the UK being blamed. Norwegian farmers have been the hardest hit with prices in the mid 40 kroner for 3-5 kilo salmon. Some experts believe the…

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Mowi take salmon to the streets of Scotland

Scotland’s biggest salmon producer has joined the street food movement to provide a fundraising boost to charities across Scotland. Mowi will be hitting the road with its eye catching Mowi Salmon Wagon following its launch at the company’s Consumer Products UK headquarters in Rosyth, Fife. The wagon serves delicious salmon fillet burgers and salmon noodle…

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Salmon farmer’s £100m boost for Scotland

SCOTTISH Sea Farms announced today that it spent more than £100 million buying goods and services from local businesses in 2017. This was up £13.9 million on 2016 and is driven by a long standing company policy to ‘buy Scottish’ wherever possible. The £100 million represents 85 per cent of Scottish Sea Farms’ total spend…

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