Food distributor invests in Loch Long Salmon

Loch Long Salmon has attracted another investor for its project to construct a semi-closed fish farm at Beinn Reithe on the west coast of Scotland. Golden Acre, a food distribution company with operations in Glasgow and Surrey, has agreed to invest an undisclosed sum. Golden Acre said its aim was to find sustainable, low-impact food…

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Mowi Scotland doubles first quarter harvest volumes

  Salmon farming giant Mowi has announced global record high volumes for the first quarter of 2021, with Scotland’s improved biological performance leading to a doubling of production and a big increase in operating profit. Worldwide, Mowi harvested 125,000 tonnes of salmon and sold 62,000 tonnes of value added products while reducing farming costs by…

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Scottish salmon exports to Europe up 74% on 2020

Despite the headwinds of Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic, Scotland’s salmon exports to European Union countries in the first quarter of this year were up by 74%, by volume, compared with the same period last year. Figures compiled by the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO) from information supplied by all of Scotland’s salmon producers reveal…

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Scottish salmon best in world say top chefs

MORE than 200 top-rated UK chefs have overwhelmingly voted Scottish salmon to be the best in the world! They maintain it leads every other salmon producing countries in both taste and quality. As the country’s restaurants prepared to open up after the long Covid shutdown, a total of 242 chefs were polled by the Chef’s…

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Mowi Scotland reports doubled harvest for Q1

Mowi Scotland more than doubled its harvest output and operating EBIT during the first three months of this year, a Q1 trading update from the company today shows. The Scottish division produced 18,500 tonnes of salmon between January and March, compared to just over 9,000 tonnes in the same period in 2020, when the business…

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RSPCA Assured reinstates certification for Scottish salmon farms

Animal welfare organisation RSPCA Assured has reinstated certification for the five leading Scottish salmon farms whose practices were criticised in a report from Compassion in World Farming (CIWF). The reinstatement follows special inspections by RSPCA Assured. CIWF’s report Underwater Cages, Parasites & Dead Fish, published in March this year, alleged poor welfare practices on the…

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The future of Scottish salmon farming

SSC’s ambitious plans for growth are underpinned by respect for heritage and environment Since the first harvest in 1951, the Scottish salmon farming sector has gone from strength to strength. 50 years on and Scottish salmon is the UK and Scotland’s biggest food export and is recognised around the world for its quality. In 2019…

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Salmon prices slip back again

The recent surge in salmon prices, which had brought a temporary smile back to the faces of fish farmers, appears to have stalled. According to Statistics Norway, the export prices of fresh salmon during Week 11, dropped by NOK 2.82 to NOK 59.97 a kilo and was down by NOK 3.34 from two weeks earlier.…

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Animal rights group calls for ‘moratorium’ on Scottish salmon industry

Animal welfare campaign group Compassion in World Farming has called for a halt on any expansion for the salmon farming industry in Scotland, with a damning report that alleges widespread instances of poor fish welfare. Salmon farmers, however, have described CIWF’s report as “wrong, inaccurate and misleading.” The report, Underwater Cages, Parasites & Dead Fish:…

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Salmon farmers say ‘We couldn’t do it without you’

Salmon farmers are taking out a full page advertisement throughout the Scottish press to say “thank you” to communities in the Highlands and islands for their support for the industry through the Covid-19 pandemic. The advertisement – in the form of an open letter from Tavish Scott, SSPO Chief Executive, to communities  – will appear…

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