Owatec AS’s modular technology helps deal with waste issues in challenging locations
Owatec AS is an environmental cleantech company specializing in wastewater and sludge management in the fish production industry in Norway.
Our cleantech built-in sea containers allow us to find a suitable solution to various water and sludge management challenges, by combining different units with different purposes. Automation and remote control optimise chemical consumption and maintenance, which makes it possible to run processes even in remote locations. Cost-effective solutions with modular product portfolios minimise the need for infrastructure changes.
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With Owatec AS’s solutions and expertise, we will tackle the upcoming European Union regulations in a way that is environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
To find out more, see our video at
or read the online brochure at
Contact: CEO Jaakko Pellinen +358 50 5916109
Jaakko.pellinen@owatec.fi www.owatec.fi
Antti Mäkikyrö +47 404 69657
Visit us at Aqua Nor - Stand number, D-318