
Scottish fish farm

HPMAs: what’s next?

Proposals to bar all commercial activity from 10% of Scotland’s waters have been dropped. Where do we go from here? Sandy Neil finds out The decision, after all the debate,...
atlantic cod in the wild underwater

Spawn to be wild

Selective breeding means farmed cod are less likely to spawn multiple times, research from Nofima suggests After several attempts in the past, cod farming on a commercial scale is on...
Clams and wood

Worms for dinner, anyone?

Seen by Westerners for centuries as nothing but a menace, Teredo worms have the potential to become a tasty and nutritious part of our diet. By Nicki Holmyard Shipworms, also...
Ferry crossing to Hoy, Orkney: ferry fares for the Northern and Western Isles are set to go up substantially next year

The business reset needs to be turbo-charged

Salmon Scotland’s Chief Executive Tavish Scott explains the Scottish Government is saying the right things but needs to act faster After replacing Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister, Humza Yousaf promised...
Farne Island seals and seal pups. Photographed in the Farne Islands in August 2019.

Sea lice and predation stress: science has a solution

Keep seals away from salmon to mitigate or eliminate sea lice, AGD and ISA Research has linked an increase in sea lice attachment to elevated levels of plasma cortisol, a...
Artemis Technologies Pioneer

Keen to be green

No matter which part of the world’s maritime industry you look at, there is a strong strategic ambition based on a series of common objectives which focus on being more...

Alternative markets for mussels

Green-lipped mussels are a nutraceutical success story for New Zealand's farmers. Could blue mussels do the same for the UK? Nicki Holmyard's article explores the research that suggests there could...

Making herstory

The March issue of Fish Farmer magazine celebrated International Women's Day by featuring insights from women involved in aquaculture in the UK and beyond. You can read Q&As with: Teresa...

Fresh beats frozen, consumers say

Consumers in the US and Japan could save money and reduce their carbon footprint into the bargain, if only they were prepared to buy salmon that has been frozen and...
Fish Farmer August 2024 cover

The August issue of Fish Farmer is out now online