Mowi announces Q2 profit of £195m

Mowi farm Beitveitnes, Norway

Mowi today reported a second quarter trading EBIT or operational profit of €230m (£195m) with Scotland continuing to improve. This is slightly lower than what some analysts had been forecasting, however.

The world’s largest Atlantic salmon farmer produced a total harvest of 110,500 tonnes, 3,000 tonnes higher than a year ago.

The Scottish harvest was 19,500 tonnes against 18,000 tonnes last year. The Scotland EBIT per kg was slightly lower at €2.20, but it was the second highest in the group.

Mowi said the operational EBIT for the group was approximately €230m in Q2 2024 The blended farming cost was €5.84 per kg in the quarter which represented an improvement of €0.21 per kg from €6.05 per kg in the first quarter.

The harvest breakdown in gutted weight equivalents is as follows:

Farming Norway 59,500 tonnes
Farming Scotland 19,500 tonnes
Farming Chile 14.5,00 tonnes
Farming Canada 9,500 tonnes
Farming Ireland 3,500 tonnes
Farming Faroes 2,500 tonnes
Farming Iceland (Arctic Fish) 1,500 tonnes
Total 110,500 tonnes


Total Q2 Operational EBIT per kg through the value chain was approximately as follows:

Norway €2.50
Scotland €2.20
Chile €0.85
Canada €0.70
Ireland €2.20
Faroes €4.15
Iceland €0.95

The operational EBIT in Consumer Products was €25m (£21m) while the operational EBITDA in Feed was €11m (£9m).

The reported financial net interest-bearing debt (NIBD) for the group was approximately €1.88bn (£1.6bn) at the end of the quarter (excluding IFRS 16 effects).


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