Norway to spend £36m promoting seafood around world

Norway salmon fillet on ice

The Norwegian Seafood Council will spend a record NOK 483 million (£36m) this year promoting the country’s seafood.

The council is targeting 28 countries around the world and once again more than half that figure will go towards pushing salmon and trout.

Børge Grønbech, the Council’s Director of Global Operations said: “The investments will, across all countries, contribute to promoting seafood from Norway, the seafood nation Norway and the trademark ‘Seafood from Norway’, while the goal in Norway is to inspire increased seafood consumption.”

The investment level has increased by 2% from last year, and is based on forecasts based on income in 2023 and 2024, Grønbech points out.

Grønbech explained that the plans were based on plans species strategies, the Seafood Council’s insights and discussions in market groups.

“We have then drawn up country-specific marketing budgets. These form the basis for the final plans,” he added.

The breakdown is as follows:

  • Salmon and trout contributes the most to export earnings, and so receives the most investment, NOK 270 million (£20m).
  • White fish largely includes cod, pollock and haddock. Here, the investment will be made in the order of NOK 82 million (£6m) .
  • For the “conventional” industry, clipfish, saltfish and dried fish are priorities, and NOK 60 million (£4.5m) has been set aside for investment in the markets.
  • NOK 48 million (£3.6m) has been allocated for the pelagic fishing industry, which is mainly mackerel and herring.
  • For shellfish, such as prawns, king crabs, snow crabs and mussels, NOK 23 million (£1.7m) has been set aside for promotion.

A wide range of activities have been worked on in the markets, which will support the objectives set in the various species strategies. The Seafood Council plans to work with “influencers” and a number of PR activities will be organised at home and abroad.


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