Bakkafrost starts work on Applecross clean energy supply

Salmon producer Bakkafrost Scotland has started work to install a 16-mile-long cable that will provide renewable energy to its freshwater facility in Applecross, Wester Ross. The works will mean the temporary closure, at night, of the famous Bealach na Bà road to Applecross.

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Researchers chart salmon reaction to hydrogen sulphide

A study has revealed how Atlantic salmon in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) deploy natural defences against low levels of hydrogen sulphide.
The findings could help fish farmers to detect underlying problems with hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in RAS facilities.

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Loch Duart set to make a splash at Singapore expo

Loch Duart trade show stand

Independent Scottish salmon producer Loch Duart will be making the case for what it calls its “unrivalled” product at a major trade show in Singapore this week.
Seafood Expo Asia takes place at Singapore’s Sands Expo and Convention Centre over 4-6 September.

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Mowi threatened with heavy fines over lice numbers

Mowi has become the latest large Norwegian salmon company to face the possibility of a large daily fine over high lice numbers.

Last week it was revealed that SalMar had been threatened with a penalty of more than half a million kroner a day (around £40,000 a day) over the issue.

Now the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has told Mowi it could incur a penalty of just over NOK 465,000 a day (around £33,000).

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High salmon prices hit Icelandic supplier’s sales

Seafood supplier Iceland Seafood International (ISI) has reported a positive turnaround during the first six months of this year, but high salmon prices early on in the period have continued to affect sales.

The group, which sold its Grimsby operation more than a year ago, reported revenues totalling €98.2m (£82m) which were only marginally down on the previous period in 2023.

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