Future fuels


Aquaculture was a key area for Seawork 2024, with questions around clean technology coming to the fore, as David Robinson reports.

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Inverlussa commissions new hybrid workboat

Scottish-based Inverlussa Marine Services has commissioned a new hybrid workboat from Macduff Shipyards. Inverlussa, which provides services to Scotland’s aquaculture sector, will take its fleet to 23-strong once the vessel has been delivered.

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Supply chain resilience

Aerial view Holywood Breeding Centre, with Dumfries in background

When Scotland banned the import of Norwegian salmon eggs in 2019, due to a perceived risk of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA), AquaGen Scotland immediately stepped up efforts to support the domestic industry by using local salmon populations to duplicate the breeding work of its parent company in Norway.

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Blue food, green solutions


The eyes of the world’s aquaculture sector will be on Copenhagen this August, when the city hosts AQUA 2024, a joint event co-organised by the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) and the World Aquaculture Society (WAS).

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