Ocein AS to establish in Scotland
After a solid start in 2022 Ocein AS is now establishing a service department in Scotland.
We are happy to announce that we have hired Simon Fraser as our Lead Engineer in Scotland. Simon has significant experience in serving the aquaculture sector, having worked with net cleaners and pump systems for the past 12 years.
“We look forward to welcoming Simon to our team as he will bring valuable experience and local knowledge to our Scotland department”, says Roy Ohren CCO of Ocein AS.
To provide the best possible service to our clients our local service department will be set up in Inverness and we look forward to get it formally established in the next few months.
Ocein AS recently signed a contract with Mowi Scotland for the delivery of eight Stealth Cleaners along with Kamat high pressure pumps, for a complete net cleaning system. Installation of the system is already ongoing onboard the dedicated vessels.
“We are extremely happy that the world`s largest salmon producer is choosing our technology for net cleaning. Together with previous deliveries of Stealth Cleaners throughout the UK ,this will be a significant commitment to firmly establish Ocein AS within the UK” says Ohren.