Search for fishermen scaled back

new nancy glen

THE search for two missing fishermen feared lost when their boat sank in Loch Fyne on Thursday evening has been scaled back, mainly due to bad weather.
Reports suggest the missing men may have been trapped in the stern when the 40 foot vessel, Nancy Glen, capsized.
They have been named locally as Przemek Krawczyk and Duncan MacDougall and are from the Tarbert area.
A third crewman, 34-year-old John Miller, was rescued from the water by another vessel and taken to hospital.
A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: ‘The search has been stood down today due to weather conditions. The situation will be reviewed first thing tomorrow.’
The police are also in contact with the men\’s families, offering support in what they say is a very distressing time for them.
Over the weekend a coastal search of the west and east sides of the loch was carried out by coastguard teams from Tarbert, Kames, Dunoon and Inveraray.
The fire and rescue service from Tarbert, along with the local Tarbert fishing fleet, was also assisting with the coastal search and a coastguard maritime search team is on the water.
A remotely operated underwater vehicle was used to investigate the fishing vessel on the sea floor but the operation was hampered by poor visibility.
The Marine Accident Investigations Branch has opened an investigation into the incident.
Picture: Nancy Glen (Campbeltown Courier)


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